Coding week 06: GSoC 2022 with OpenMRS

Anjula Samarasinghe
4 min readJul 23, 2022


We made it to the sixth week of coding weeks making this the midpoint out of the twelve coding weeks. This week I was able to identify a bug in one of the modules early. Before getting into that here’s the previous week's update to get an idea.


In my last PR, I got a wonderful suggestion to improve the data fetching from Vineet Sharma. Which is to use SWR React Hooks for Data Fetching. With SWR, components will get a stream of data updates constantly and automatically. And the UI will be always fast and reactive. SWR has some pretty cool features. Here’s the getting started guide if you are interested.

Here’s the PR for that,

The bug with the reporting module

While my PR was in the review I was revisiting project milestones. According to that in the eighth week of coding, I will be working on the drug order search criteria. So I tested the API to find out whether it was working or not. That’s when I got this error,

Since this is an issue with the reporting module I created an issue in the reporting module project. Then I started digging into the project to find the issue. Fortunately, I was able to find the issue it was missing a dependency.

It is still in review but I’m glad that I was able to find it early so that It won’t affect the milestones.

Search by Enrollments

As for the plan, I started working on the search by enrollments feature and I am almost finished with this. I was able to do some improvements with this as well. For example, the previous date picker had an issue with date selection.

Search by enrollments

Here’s the PR for this,

Midterm Evaluation

By the 25th of July 2022, We will have the GSoC midterm evaluations. Looking forward to that. I will give the update on this in next week’s update.

Next week: Saved Definitions

Saved definitions search gives the user the option to search for a saved cohort or definition, it has two fields,

  1. Search Saved Definitions allows the user to search for a saved definition by its name

2. Search Saved Cohort allows the user to search for a saved cohort by its name

wireframe for saved definitions

As usual, I presented my work on the weekly O3 call. For more updates, you can follow my OpenMRS talk thread.

With that, Half of the coding weeks came to a finish. I’m looking forward to finishing work on the next milestone. Stay tuned for the midterm evaluation and week 07 updates. Don’t forget to check out my other articles as well. See you guys at the next one. Until then stay safe! ✌️

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Anjula Samarasinghe
Anjula Samarasinghe

Written by Anjula Samarasinghe

Senior Frontend Developer | GSoC ’22 @openMRS | CTO @SEF

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